SunSystems Modules
SunSystems Cloud
The Financials module delivers ledger accounting and budget control, while additional options for corporate allocations and an asset register enhance the breadth of the offering. In addition, budgeting is brought under control with multiple budget ledgers.

SunSystems Cloud provides full sales order management through its Sales module, which delivers complete functionality for Sales Invoicing and Sales Management. In addition, there are options to deliver profiling specifically for customers, and advanced pricing. The solution ensures that organizations can streamline the sales, order and distribution operations, in order to deliver high levels of customer service.
Corporate Allocations
The Corporate Allocations module usually automates the allocation of central costs to operational departments, though it may be used for other allocation purposes.

Enterprise Asset Management
UniFi Enterprise Asset Management (UniFi EAM) provides a collection of next-gen Apps to manage the entire lifecycle of your organisation’s assets, from planning, budgeting, procurement, project managing, performance, maintenance, compliance, and risk management, through to disposal. Our powerful EAM solution enables full automation, drill-down reporting, and a single source of truth.
Extended Analysis
SunSystems Extended Analysis (available in SunSystems 6.2 onwards) extends the already strong analysis within SunSystems. It allows an extensive new range of custom analysis fields to be made available against each analysis dimension. This provides organisations functionality to further sub-analyse data without the need to enter this data against each transaction.

Fixed Asset Register
Fixed asset register – allows you to manage all aspects of registering, depreciating and disposing of assets. All recognised depreciation methods are available. SunSystems can value and depreciate assets, using separate depreciation methods and currencies, in compliance with local and corporate requirements, whilst maintaining separate book value and asset life figures.
Inventory Management
SunSystems Cloud provides inventory management capability, ensuring full visibility of product, intermediate and raw material items, while also delivering lot and batch control. The Inventory module comprises Inventory Management and Inventory Traceability, with additional options, Costing, delivering Landed Costing and Cost Analysis, and Product Profiles. The solution enables greater control over inventory levels, without forfeiting essential customer service levels.

Purchase Management
SunSystems Cloud delivers powerful facilities to manage and simplify the purchasing process. The Purchasing module provides components for Purchase Invoicing, Purchase Management and Budget & Commitment Control. In addition, there are options for Advanced Pricing and for Product Profiles, delivering profiling specifically for suppliers. The solution delivers the ability to analyze and report on a comprehensive database of supplier information, in order to improve buying power.
Process Automation
Process Automation for SunSystems, exclusively from FinanSys, allows organisations to take advantage of a leading tool to speed up processes.
Many processes within organisations can be automated. Additionally, many processes are filled with labour-intensive tasks that are prone to errors, require a great deal of time, and are costly.
Process Automation for SunSystems, exclusively from FinanSys, eliminates manual processes and provides a cloud-based, intuitive solution that is rapid, accurate, and relatively inexpensive.

Making Tax Digital
FinanSys’ Making Tax Digital solution for SunSystems seamlessly links your SunSystems data to the HMRC portal without the need to rekey data, avoiding the risks associated with manually typing out your submission. The FinanSys solutions provides users with an audit trail and, using standard SunSystems reporting functionality, generates the figures for your VAT submission.