Your accounting software saves you time and money by automating tedious tasks and providing quick access to data.

However, over time your organisation can change, and so too can the requirements of your accounting software.

Here are 7 things you can do to help you get the most out of your accounting system and make sure it’s in sync with what you need:

1. Assess your time on the system

Where are you spending your time within the accounting system? Does the amount of time spent seem reasonable?

If it feels like you are spending an inordinate amount of time on the system, then this is a good indication that you may not be using it as efficiently as you could be.

2. Assess what are you doing on the accounting system and how

This goes hand in hand with the first point. Once you have identified where you are spending your time, take a look at what you are doing in each of those areas.

Could the task be completed faster or more efficiently? What functionality do you have available to you within the system? Can you automate anything time-consuming?

Is there a different way of looking at your data that could make information retrieval quicker?

3. Assess what you’re currently paying for?

Speak with your account manager to understand what you’re currently paying for. Have you got things you’re paying for but not using? Cancel or get them set up.

4. Go for training

Training is important. A lot of organisations rely on hand-me-down knowledge rather than investing in formal training.

The benefits of training cannot be understated. Formal training will give you the skills and confidence to use your system to its full potential, as well as ensuring everyone in your team is using the system the same way.

5. Re-evaluate the integration options

If you’re manually uploading data from other systems, investigate what integrations options you have. APIs and Excel uploads are commonly available.

6. Make use of the free resources

Most accounting software providers provide free webinars and have a free newsletter.

Make sure you’ve signed up and make use of free webinars. How-to guides are also a fantastic resource and can be found on most accounting software websites.

7. Ring support

Don’t be afraid to ring support. If you’re paying for a support contract make use of it. The support team are there to help you make the most of your system.


The above tips should help you get the most out of your accounting system.

For some organisations, it may be the case you’re lacking the support/functionality you need.

If you’re curious about what other options are available to you, contact us now for a free consultation.